Shiatsu Student Visa Information

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Zen School of Shiatsu

Healing Tao

Zen Shiatsu Society

Frequently Asked Questions

Policy and procedures for Student Registration, Non-arrival of student, Non-attendance of Student.

A letter confirming this Policy and procedure has been lodged with the Department of Education and Skills as required for inclusion of the Zen School of Shiatsu on their Register of Learning Providers.

1 Student registration

1.1 Regular Registration: In the normal course of events students register to join a course at the beginning of a class and choose one of the payment options available: in advance or by instalments.

1.2 Special rules apply to Overseas Students from Countries outside the EU. Overseas students who require visas ("Visa-Students") to study at our school must

1.2.1 Register before arriving in this country

1.2.2 Pay the full fee in advance for the duration of their study. The school holds this fee for the student until their visa has been granted and refunds it less an administrative charge if the visa is refused.

1.2.3 Students must also satisfy the immigration authorities of their ability to support themselves for the duration of their studies. This is not required to be monitored by the Zen School but it is our responsibility to inform potential “visa-students” of this requirement.

1.3 Students are required to sign the Registration Form with full personal particulars including address and agreeing that fees are not refundable in any event except visa refusal.

2 Non-arrival of "Visa-Student"

If a student does not arrive on the due date (with the ‘continuous enrolment system’ students can start any time of the year) the school will

2.1 contact the immigration authorities to find out if a visa had in fact been granted

2.1.1 If the authorities tell us no visa was granted, refund the course fee to the student, less an administrative charge based on the amount of work done by the school in relation to the registration at the prevailing rate for staff remuneration and any ancillary costs and in any event not less than £50.

2.1.2 If the authorities tell us a visa was in fact granted, inform them the student had not arrived and be guided by them as to the appropriate procedure

2.2 contact the student to find out why, to advise them of the action we had taken, and suggest they immediately contact the immigration authorities

2.3 We would still be holding the pre-paid fee which is non-refundable in any event except refusal of visa.

3 Non-attendance of Visa-Student

3.1 Attendance is monitored by

3.1.1 recording the presence of students in the Attendance Diary (including time of arrival and punctuality: they are allowed 60 minutes lateness per 6 months. If they exceed this they have to repeat 3-months of classes with 100% punctuality, before being allowed to take any Assessment)

3.1.2 recording completion of the class/module on each student’s individual Record of Attendance

3.2 Students need an 85% Attendance Record in order to sit Assessments for qualification.